Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Futurism Obsession

Iris Van Harpen Fall 10 collection, Synesthesia Collection// Filippo Marinetti, Nike of Samothrace, 1909

I have always been somewhat obsessed with Futurism's failed attempt at portraying movement in a ground-breaking and new manner. They constantly turned to old materials that had been utilized in art for decades. Within Iris Van Harpen's look-book , a new form of movement that combines new technologies and sculpture is achieved. He puts the metal work around the human figure, in fashion form, giving both the fashion of the garb and the substance of the metal a new dimension. Whereas when looking at the futurist sculpture, the movement seems hindered simply because of the material (gilded bronze) used. It's amazing to me that Van Harpen was so easily able to achieve what the futurist were constantly striving for.

Side-note: It would appear that using time exposure photography to enhance and frame designer's works is the new trend for Fall 2010 campaigns and editorials...

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